Tips for Getting a Novice Fisherman Hooked
Fishing is one of those sports that can be enjoyed by anyone throughout their entire life. It's an opportunity to spend time...
Tags: Pond Management
The Best Fish Feeders for Ponds and Lakes made by Pond King
Simply put, fish feeders provide supplemental food resources to fish. Bluegill, Channel Catfish, and hybrid Striped Bass are...
Tags: Fish and Fishing
Wildlife feeders: 101
Supplemental wildlife feeders are commonly used for wildlife viewing and hunting in Texas. Providing supplemental food is an...
Tags: Hunting
Fish Habitat Basics
Having habitat in your pond that meets the seasonal requirements of the fish will result in improved health and quality of all...
Tags: Fish and Fishing, Pond Management
Determining the age of fish
To ensure your fish are achieving their optimal annual growth potential, when we conduct a survey, we gather a complete set of...
Tags: Pond Management
Trying to raise trophy-class bass? Read on to learn more about the three pond management techniques that will get you the most...
Tags: Pond Management
Treating your pond or lake with herbicides can be a delicate, yet effective management strategy, but you do need to follow a few...
Tags: Pond Management
The Pros and Cons of Feed Training Bass
The goal of catching a trophy-class bass has long been the dream of many anglers. It can be done, but it takes some work on your...
Tags: Fish and Fishing, Pond Management
Consider a Selective Harvest to Raise Trophy Bass
The selective harvest of bass in a private fishery is one of the most important management practices you can implement if you are...
Tags: Fish and Fishing, Pond Management
Livewell Fish Health
Tournament fisherman and Pond King fisheries biologist Ethan Stokes shares how he runs his livewells to ensure his catch always...
Tags: Fish and Fishing
Establishing Vegetation Around Your Pond
Controlling and maintaining the vegetation that is in place around the edges of your pond, both in and out of the water, is a...
Tags: Fish and Fishing, Pond Management
Could My Pond Be Too Clear?
Not surprisingly, the answer to that question is: It depends. If you want a clear swimming hole, or trophy bass lake, the optimum...
Tags: Fish and Fishing, Pond Management