Not sure what to do before or after you stock your pond with fish? Following Pond King’s fish pond preparation and maintenance...
Tags: Pond Management
A Guide to Duckweed Removal for Ponds
Duckweed is a small, green, free-floating plant. It can almost look like carpet covering the pond when seen from a distance. It...
Tags: Pond Management
What is Electrofishing?
Simply put, electrofishing is the process of generating and distributing a controlled electrical field into the water for the...
Tags: Pond Management
Raising Trophy Bass: 6 Steps to Big Bass Pond Management
The goal of catching a 10-pound bass has long been the dream of many anglers. Having a pond on your own property with this...
Tags: Fish and Fishing, Pond Management
Mozambique Tilapia: The Best Algae Eating Fish for Ponds
Every pond owner has had to, at one time or another, deal with slimy, green algae growing out of control. While there are many...
Tags: Fish and Fishing, Pond Management
Summer Rains
Weather in Texas tends to be all over the place and unpredictable. Forecasting past a few days is futile, to say the least. I was...
Tags: Pond Management
3 Solutions To Treat Pesky Pond Plants
Spring has sprung! Anglers are getting in their boats, hitting their secret honey holes, and the plants are coming back to life....
Tags: Down at the Pond, Pond Management
Spawning Season
Texas experienced a rather mild winter this year, and luckily for pond owners, springtime weather is here already. With average...
Tags: Pond Management
Lime in Your Pond
Lime is one of the most common additives for soil in pastures and food plots. It acts to lower the acidity of soil which allows...
Tags: Pond Management
From the Water to the Table
Congratulations, you have taken your pond’s health to heart, and have the quality fishery to prove it. As a smart pond owner, you...
Tags: Down at the Pond
Floating Islands
Floating islands are not only beautiful aesthetically, but they also improve water quality, serve as habitat for fish, help...
Tags: Down at the Pond, Fish and Fishing
Are Hybrid Striped Bass Right for Your Pond?
The hybrid striped bass is a cross between the white bass and the striped bass. This is a fast growing, hard fighting fish that...
Tags: Fish and Fishing